Values matter!

We are Nicolas and Tom, bringing you issues of inQ-On-Politics right into your personal inbox. It’s our selection of and take on current political affairs, media spins, key policy proposals, expert debates from Brussels, Berlin and beyond. All through the lens of what we render essential in today’s political and economic world: values.

The weekly inQ-On-Politics letter is divided into four continuous segments. 

(1) #Values first introduces this week’s core value(s), our lens. 

(2) #Best of Discourse presents our pick of news and insights from all walks of political life.

(3) Related academic studies and analyses that caught our eye are laid out in the #Think twice segment. 

(4) Last, a short selection of individuals we render relevant to the issues’ central message are highlighted in the #Connecting the dots section. 

Every Friday, we invite you to come along on a value-driven journey of astonishing insights, analyses for the policy wonk, and link suggestions that lead straight down the rabbit hole. Sign up now so you don’t miss any issue.

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Our weekly take on current political affairs. Through the lens of values.